Friday, January 25, 2013

January Christmas Prep Report

It's been a month since Christmas - have I done anything to get ready for the next one? I'm happy to say that I have. Exactly what I've done is a little harder to pinpoint. I'm still snowed in so haven't seen anything I ordered online. I could go back through my email and look at the order confirmations but that seems a waste of time beings I really need the stuff here so that I can sort and store it. You see, when I say Christmas prep, I'm also talking birthdays and any other gift-giving occasion during the year, as well.

So, from memory, here's my January report:
  • made personalized throw pillow covers for 4 early-year birthdays
  • ordered super cute crocheted hats for the 2 newest DGDs
  • ordered a bunch of stocking stuffer type games (like probably a dozen)
  • ordered several sets of kitchen towels

Personalized throw pillow covers

I tested a quilt pattern a while back and didn't realize I wasn't going to be happy with the color combo until I had all 16 blocks done - oops. I've been trying to figure out what to do with them and finally settled on personalized throw pillow covers for kidlet birthdays during the year. Won't need all 16 but it's nice to have extras. So I finished four and they're ready to go in the mail, plus I have another two quilted and ready to sew together. I plan to quilt them all now and then do the embroidery and finish them up as each birthday approaches.

Crocheted hats

Yes, I crochet...and I have lots of yarn...and I've even made a lot of hats. So why did I order some? Because they were just too darn cute AND on sale, of course! I'm talking less than $7 each and that included the shipping.

Stocking stuffer type games

The Best of Charades, LIFE Adventures card game, Disney Princess dominoes, etc, etc, etc - at under $3 each, how could I resist? With 11 grands, these will be great filler gifts to round out the holidays!

Kitchen towels

Seems everywhere I go, the kitchen towels are pretty ratty. So I decided that women on my list would receive new ones for their birthday. At $2-$5 for a set of two or three, how could I go wrong? And they'll be easy and relatively cheap to ship for the ones that need to be mailed.

Well, that's it for now!

What have you already done to prepare for Christmas 2013?

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