Saturday, January 16, 2016

Guest Bedroom Finished

I've been planning to paint our guest room for ages and finally got it done! And I'm counting it as a finish for 2016 even though I did most of it between Christmas and New Year's Eve.

Guest bedroom before

Guest bedroom after

Now in case you think it's a crime to paint beautiful natural pine paneling, I used to agree. But after living with it for 20 years, I'm ready for something that I can actually keep clean. The grooves between the boards had become nothing but a dust/cobweb magnet and I wanted them sealed, so I used Sashco Big Stretch caulk on all joins and around the trim.

Also, it's a little on the blue side but I don't like picking paint colors (too many choices!) so just buy mistint paint for half price whenever I find a light-colored gallon in a white base that's in the right color family. Can't wait to see what colors I end up with for the rest of the house!

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